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Dear Parents, We hope your children enjoyed their holidays. Be reminded that resumption :

Prefects:  Sun 6/1/19  [9am],

Boarders:  Sun 6/1/19,

Day Students: Mon 7/1/19.

Kindly ensure that those students with low cut hair cut their hair very low as bushy hair will not be accepted. Also students should return with clean clothes. Thank you. Safe journey.

How to check your Result

Are you a Student or a Parent? Do you want to check result for any Session or Term?
Follow this few easy steps:

1. Click on the School portal link on the navigation above
2. You will find yourself on the school portal page. Now enter your username and password as provided to you in school.
3. When you have successfully logged in, as a Student, click on My Results OR as a Parent, click on My Ward's Result.
 It's as easy as that!

If you don't have your login details OR you have forgotten them, never worry, you can chat with us by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom-left of the this page, OR simply send an email to, a support agent will be readily available to help you.

Students and Parents Data Update!

In order to capture the full and correct details of our students, parents are strictly advised to login to their Parent Account frequently and update the records of their ward(s) as well as their own record.

Parents without email address are seriously advised to create one, as this will enable the school operators to periodically send Results directly to your mail box as well as other important information that is to be passed.

Students with incomplete information on their Account will not be able to view results nor perform any other task on the school portal.

CLICK HERE to update your record now.

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